For the solving the problem of “no power distribution" inairport, a high-quality aircraft ground static power supplyUnit with energy storage is specially developed.It can meet the requirements of low-power distributioncapacity and no power distribution in the remote position inairports, and its mobility can cope with emergency rescuescenarios in unexpected situations.
CHARACTERISTICS ◆Emergency response: High fexibility for speedyemergency response; ◆Diversified scenarios: Charging piles equipped to be used in various scenarios.
The product is the world's leading energy-storage ofaircraft's static power supply. For solving the commonproblem of "insuffcient power distribution capacity" inpower systems and airports, it was developed with high-quality in aircraft ground static power supply.Besides, this series of products support the access of greenenergy (such as photovoltaic and wind energy), and areapplied to different situations such as low powerdistribution capacity of the aircraft and grid flash.
◆Peak load cutting: Considerable reduction inconstruction costs; ◆Conducive to the realization of dual carbon goals;
◆High compatibility: Uninterrupted power supplyfunction for expandable power grid at flash;
◆Low requirement for power distribution: No powerexpansion required, only 1/6 of conventional powerdistribution.